Sabarna Parishad সাবর্ণ পরিষদ
Genealogy বংশ লতিকা

Kalighat Narrative মহাতীর্থ কালীঘাট

Kulinism কুলীন প্রথা

Sabarna Parishad সাবর্ণ পরিষদ

Photo Archive 1

Photo Archive 2

Photo Archive 3

The Durga Mandirs

Sabarna Sangrahashala সাবর্ণ সংগ্রহশালা

The Family today

Traditional Barisha ঐতিহ্যের বড়িশা

Maya  Jaal

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The Sabarna Roy Choudhury Paribar Parishad

সাবর্ণ রায় চৌধুরী পরিবার পরিষদ

The Sabarna Roy Choudhury Paribar Parishad, registered as a Public Charitable and Cultural Trust under Indian Trust Act 1882, Govt. of Bengal, is the supreme organization of the family. The main objectives of this organization is to establish brotherhood relationship among thousands and thousands of family members scattered all over the world. The other primary objectives aim at Historical Research, maintenance of our temples and old architectures, publishing books and articles, protect family heritage and culture alongwith social welfare. The Sabarna Sangrahashala is an exclusive wing of the Parishad which helps the Parishad to fulfil its commitments.

The Premier Committee

HONOURARY PRESIDENT :  Bibhutibhusan Roy Choudhury.

WORKING PRESIDENT : Nirmal Roy Choudhury.

JOINT SECRETARIES 1 : Devarshi Roy Choudhury  2.Srikumar Roy Choudhury

TREASURER : Nani Gopal Roy Choudhury.

The other committee members include Vice Presidents, Assistant Secretaries and Executive members.



Saptarshi Bhawan, Andormahal- Baro Bari

67/3 Diamond Harbour Road,


KOLKATA 700 008. West Bengal, INDIA.

24 HRS INFOLINE :91 033 24473550, 9830289400.

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